Workplace mediation is a form of conflict resolution specifically within the workplace in an attempt to prevent disciplinary measures which are often protracted, costly and have a negative effect on staff morale.
Mediation is a confidential process where an impartial and independent third person facilitates meetings between two or more work colleagues in dispute. The role of the mediator is to provide a safe, structured process to assist the parties in identifying the issues at hand, developing workable options with the purpose of reaching an agreement between the parties who would then be willing to settle the matter.
The outcome of this form of mediation is not only to improve the relationship between the disputants but also to encourage and improve workplace relationships in general.
Workplace mediation covers a broad spectrum of improving individual relationships, subordinate relationships and provides problem-solving and decision-making techniques to all concerned.
Workplace mediation either focuses on methods of retaining the employees involved or crafting an amicable separation agreement.
Workplace mediation is suitable within all levels of an organisation and may include the involvement of Employer Organisations, Shop Stewards or Union Officials.