If your divorce or separation is of the “contested” variety, the process can get very expensive, very quickly. The average cost in North America is $20,000 and goes up exponentially from there.
Covid-19 STAY HOME & STAY SAFE. For more information and support on COVID-19, visit www.sacoronavirus.co.za
If your divorce or separation is of the “contested” variety, the process can get very expensive, very quickly. The average cost in North America is $20,000 and goes up exponentially from there.
When we submit your divorce papers to the court in order to obtain a Judgment of Divorce (JOD), the terms of the Settlement Agreement become the law. That means that each party is now bound by the terms of the Agreement. Take a close look at the Agreement and highlight any sections that require action.
These days are full of turmoil and fast moving social and political issues that quickly escalate into “identity disputes.” In the words of my good friend and colleague Doug Thompson of the Consensus Building Institute: “We are all stressed up with no where to go.”
Halloween may not be as meaningful as other seasonal holidays, but for divorced or separated parents and their children, feelings of “missing out” on fun times can be very challenging.
A few months ago, I posted a quote on Twitter that a colleague sent me because she thought I’d like it. And I do. Here it is: The legendary cellist Pablo Casals was asked why he continued to practice at age 90. "Because I think I'm making progress" he replied.
Sean and Jason* have worked together for years. More often than not, they’ve worked at the same level in the company, though in recent years Sean has reported to Jason. It’s not unusual for them to have their differences, and the HR manager knows more than she would like to about their dynamic.